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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's Still The Cross.

Thanks to another Blogger and friend (Ian R @, I read and was challenged by his latest Blog - and, I was reminded of a song that speaks of the cross on which Jesus died for us all.

Take a look at the link above for the whole story.

The extract reads:

Just before the president (George W Bush) left, I introduced him to Al Lawrence, a member of our staff. I told the president that I had met Al more than twenty years ago in a prison. Jesus had got hold of Al’s life, and he’s been working for us ever since. Then I told the president that Al’s son was now a freshman at Yale. At that point the president stopped, exclaimed, "We’re both Yale parents," and threw his arms around Al Lawrence—an African-American ex-offender being embraced by the president of the United States in a church basement.
The ground is indeed level at the foot of the cross."
Charles Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship and former aide to President Nixon.

I have listen to this song many times (Sydney Staff Songsters of The Salvation Army) and yet the simple message continues to amaze me.

It's not conservative or liberal, however they're defined
It's not about interpretations or the judgement of the mind
It's the opposite of politics, power or prestige
It's about a simple message and whether we believe

It's still the cross - It's still the blood of Calvary that cleanses sin and sets the captives free
It's still the name - the name of Jesus that has power to save the lost,
It's still the cross.

It doesn't matter who you are, the message is simple.  His blood cleanses sin and sets us free.  The name of Jesus has power for President and Prisoner alike.

The challenge for me is - what am I (or what are we) doing to get this message out to those who need it the most.

Keep me near the cross,
Near the cross,
May I never stray so far,
That I cannot see,
What flowed down for me,
At the foot of the cross.

They were watching from a distance,
And they could not take their eyes from You.
You were bleeding, they were weeping,
Faithful sisters, they had followed you.
They did not understand, they could not see
They were mourning their loss
As the sky turned black
And the Earth turned red
At the foot of the cross

He was standing near your mother
They were so close
They could hear you sighing
All around them angry voices
Pierced the darkness
And you were dying
But they would not leave
They lingered there
No matter the cost
They were staying
And they were praying
At the foot of the cross

Keep me near the cross
Near the cross
May I never stray so far
That I cannot see
What flowed down for me
At the foot of the cross

Now I'm standing in your presence
And I cannot take my eyes from you
You have risen I'm forgiven
Precious Saviour, oh I worship you
No I'm not looking back
I've heard your voice
And I'm staying here
I've made my choice
For now it's real, now I kneel
At the foot of the cross

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