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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Reflections 2010

After he turned thirty, He went back to the temple
To say He was The Son Of God, the Truth, the Life, the Way.
They took his to a hill they called The Skull to render him silent
But faith could not prevent what He was dying to say.

He was dying to tell the world how much he really cared.
It was not three old rusty nails that kept him hanging there.
The expression on his face gave the real reason away,
He had something on His heart He was dying to say.

He said I love you
I love you
I love you is what He said

He said I love you
I love you
And He cared enough that He wrote it down in red.

He was dying to tell the world how much he really cared.
It was not three old rusty nails that kept him hanging there.
The expression on his face gave the real reason away.
He had something on His heart,
Someone on His mind.
He had something on His heart,
He was dying to say.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Devotions @ Band (Preston Brass)

This week was my turn to provide devotions at our band practise.

We (at The Salvation Army Preston) have been addressing some very important issues in the Salvation Army world - 1 "oldie" and 2 new ones.

OWSOMS - One Weeks Salary On Missionary Service

This has been a 6 week program to assist us to understand that sacrificial giving can be a huge financial support to communities in developing countries where the basics (i.e. food, clothing, medicine, schools etc. ) are in very short supply.

I "face booked" previously that my $1.50 each Sunday to buy a Coke Zero could possible be a weekly wage to someone in these countries.

This year (after 40 years of OWSOMS material) has been one that has hit home the most - even thought I have no full time employment and thing were/are "tough"(?), I enjoy many things here in Australia and I (we) take for granted some many other things that people in others countries can only dream of.

STAMP - Social Training And Mission Preparation

This is new to us and I have been blessed, moved, challenged and possibly even convicted that there is more to the Salvation Army and it's work in the community.

We have had some great "sessions" from people connected to the social programs in the Salvation Army and I am looking forward to hearing more about STAMP in the coming weeks.

Salvos Out There
(From the Web Site)
If you’re a Salvo ready to get out of your comfort zone, to meet and connect with your neighbours and community, and to better know and honour God, I urge you to get involved with Salvos Out There!

This week is week 3 - I am looking forward to see what else is in store for us.

We in the Salvation Army have some great resources to assist us in worship and I often refer to song and hymns that have inspired me.

Last week I conducted the band with the words that have "stuck" in my head since the commencement of these programs.

SASB Song 518 / SATB Tune 20 - Harton Lea

O Lord, whose human hands were quick
To feed the hungry, heal the sick.
Who love by loving deed expressed
Help me to comfort the distressed.

What is divine about my creed
If I am blind to human need?
For you have said they serve you best,
Who serve the helpless and oppressed.

Lord may your love translucent shine
Through every loving deed of mine.
That men may see the works I do
And give the glory all to you.

Through my daily devotions and through watching some online sessions put on by iSalvos (, I have read and listened to the following scripture passages

Micah 6:8 (The Message)
But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbour, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don't take yourself too seriously - take God seriously.

Galatians 6:2 (The Message)
Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed. Share their burdens and do complete Christ's law.

Proverbs 31:8-9 (The Message)
Speak up for the people who have no voice, for the rights of all the down-and-outers. Speak out for justice! Stand up for the poor and destitute.

In my daily devotions I read the following:

Christian, It takes our effort alongside a BIG God to advance the Kingdom. If you are living on the sideline waiting to get in the game, or waiting on God to show you, STOP IT !
Get in the game.

All Christians are called to be ministers. If we wait until the how, or just continue to perfect ourselves, the enemy has won.
God will direct you as you start somewhere in ministry.
Men (Women) it is time we put the remote down and do something with our faith.

James 2:26
Anyone who doesn't breathe is dead, and faith that doesn't do anything is just as dead!NO BREATH - NO LIFE, NO ACTION - NO FAITH.

WOW James hits you right between the eyes. SO GET IN THE GAME!!!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What next !!

Last night I commenced a new daily devotional reading plan. I have been looking for something new to read as I have been trying really hard to "do the right thing" and get inspired and find meaning to life as it is dealt out each day.

This week has been very exciting with both Nat and I having Job Interviews and confirmed 2nd interviews with prospective employers this week.

It is no secret as to my "wrestling" with service and the way forward for me (and my family). I have had several logistics roles open and subsequently close - nothing concrete came to fruition. A major decision and job prospect came forward which I (we) concluded that it was not the right "fit" for me and my family, which meant that I was still not employed in a full time capacity and each day I had no idea as to what the future held.

Even as I write, I am constantly reminded that there is something "big" in store for Nat and I and the waiting game is (unfortunately) far from over.

Over the past several weeks, I have been reading up on the Salvation Army's Social Justice department and our Social Programs Division, taking special note on what other people are doing about the Army's mission and how people are working to make life better for so many people here in Australia.

We (our church) have entered our program for giving to our Overseas Missionary Service (OWSOMS) and I am moved every week to see the poverty that has so many people in other countries, trapped and isolated and what a difference a monetary contribution can make in their lives. I even Face booked (?) that my $1.50 Coke Zero purchase from the machine each Sunday would be equivalent to a months wages for people in some developing countries.

Back to my new reading... Check out the following Scripture verses and let me know what you think ?

1. Matthew 6:33-34
2. Mark 1:16-18
3. Galatians 6:2
4. Matthew 9:36

In a nutshell..
1. Don't worry about tomorrow - God will provide all your "everyday human concerns" (the message)
2. Whilst you are doing your "ordinary" job - Drop everything and follow Jesus - He will make you a fishers of men. - Don't ask questions - just to it !
3. Assist others to follow
4. The crowd wanders through life aimlessly - Jesus' heart broke - they were like sheep without a shepherd.

I wonder if this new reading plan is trying to tell me something !

Final prayer:
Send the fire O Lord
Send the fire
To magnify your name
To never be the same
We (I) need your holy flame
Send the fire.