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" My best for the Highest "

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What next !!

Last night I commenced a new daily devotional reading plan. I have been looking for something new to read as I have been trying really hard to "do the right thing" and get inspired and find meaning to life as it is dealt out each day.

This week has been very exciting with both Nat and I having Job Interviews and confirmed 2nd interviews with prospective employers this week.

It is no secret as to my "wrestling" with service and the way forward for me (and my family). I have had several logistics roles open and subsequently close - nothing concrete came to fruition. A major decision and job prospect came forward which I (we) concluded that it was not the right "fit" for me and my family, which meant that I was still not employed in a full time capacity and each day I had no idea as to what the future held.

Even as I write, I am constantly reminded that there is something "big" in store for Nat and I and the waiting game is (unfortunately) far from over.

Over the past several weeks, I have been reading up on the Salvation Army's Social Justice department and our Social Programs Division, taking special note on what other people are doing about the Army's mission and how people are working to make life better for so many people here in Australia.

We (our church) have entered our program for giving to our Overseas Missionary Service (OWSOMS) and I am moved every week to see the poverty that has so many people in other countries, trapped and isolated and what a difference a monetary contribution can make in their lives. I even Face booked (?) that my $1.50 Coke Zero purchase from the machine each Sunday would be equivalent to a months wages for people in some developing countries.

Back to my new reading... Check out the following Scripture verses and let me know what you think ?

1. Matthew 6:33-34
2. Mark 1:16-18
3. Galatians 6:2
4. Matthew 9:36

In a nutshell..
1. Don't worry about tomorrow - God will provide all your "everyday human concerns" (the message)
2. Whilst you are doing your "ordinary" job - Drop everything and follow Jesus - He will make you a fishers of men. - Don't ask questions - just to it !
3. Assist others to follow
4. The crowd wanders through life aimlessly - Jesus' heart broke - they were like sheep without a shepherd.

I wonder if this new reading plan is trying to tell me something !

Final prayer:
Send the fire O Lord
Send the fire
To magnify your name
To never be the same
We (I) need your holy flame
Send the fire.

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