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" My best for the Highest "

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Comfort Zone - Reality Check

This week I have seen 3 examples of people living in poverty - right in the streets of Brunswick.

All this while I sit and each my lunch in a small cafe - realtively comfortable with myself and my situation.

Day 1 say an elderly gentlemen trying to by a pie with sauce with a few coins that probably added up to 60 cents. I sat and watched whilst I ate my sandwich and drank my Coke Zero and did nothing as he was dismissed out of hand and was asked to leave the cafe.

Day 2 say a similar incident as I sat at the same cafe and ate the same lunch when a out of nowhere a stranger asked for a "spare 50 cents". I said no only to realise that I indeed had change in my pocket and as I turned to see if this was legitimate, the stranger had disappeared.

Day 3 came and as I sat by the window of the same cafe, another elderly man who had seen better days reached for the ashtray and picked up a used, squashed cigarette that had been left there and asked the next passer by for a light.

Well this has certainly made me uncomfortable this week and as I sit now in some relative comfort and quite, I question my Christian "attitude" towards my neighbour... I think I needed to do more - even some loose change would/could have helped - I know money is hard to come by and probably not the be all and end all to peoples problems - Should I have done something ?

This week has certainly been a test for me and as I am contemplating my "service" for God, I think I have failed my first test.

I know there is something better for me to do with my time and as I struggle with my current employment situation, I can only pray that God will give me strength to face whatever lies ahead and the opportunities in life are not wasted.

I have updated an electronic version of the Bible on an old Pocket PC and have found several readings from a devotional called My Utmost. This now forms part of my updated devotional plan which, if I'm honest, was sadly lacking in substance.

The first day refered to Matthew 6:33 - Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this honesty Paul. It must have been costly on a lot of levels. Know that I pray for you and the 'girls' as you struggle with the plan of God for your living.
