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Friday, December 4, 2009

Immanuel - God with us

Today I completed my interview with a division of the Salvation Army and now I wait patiently for the outcome.

After the interview I met with friends, Lt. Cols Peter and Jenny Walker and explained my situation as I had briefly discussed this with Peter on Sunday afternoon. On the way, out Peter explained that not matter what happens - God is with us (me) - through all circumstances of life and what ever life "throws at us".

At this Christmas time, we often sing about Immanuel - God with us, and it was a timely reminder to me that no matter where I am in life's journey God is always there.

I make it difficult for him to be around me at times as I "wander" though life - sometimes aimlessly - but as I previously Blogged - He's always been faithful to me.

As I sit and enter this Blog, I wonder whether I have done enough time getting serious with my choices and serious with letting God have is way with my future - sure I have prayed, read my devotions, put my circumstances to Him and even stepped out in commitment to say - here am I my Lord send me. But I put restrictions on this and said I want to serve only in a business capacity using my current skills and knowledge base for work He appoints me to do - not much of a pledge in hindsight, but, having an application in for a significant role within the Salvation Army, I thought this would be enough.

Now, as doubts and anxiety start to surface, I again find myself looking for answers.

My devotions for Nov 30th read:
The band of disciples would undergo severe testing before they were transformed from hesitant followers to dynamic leaders. You may have made big mistakes in your life, committed sins you're ashamed to remember. Yet nothing is beyond Jesus' forgiveness. He can help you become the person he wants you to become, but you must allow him to forgive you and work in your life. He did this for these disciples - and they changed the world.

Well after 3 weeks of enforced holidays - hesitation is setting in - What if these interviews turn into no full time employment ? Where will this leave me (us) after Christmas ?

I need to be constantly stirred about my Faith journey and understand that;
"Faith may take you where you least expect it, but have faith that you are exactly where you are supposed to be."

I'm not sure that unemployed with a wife and 3 children to support is where I'm "supposed to be" and hence the struggle with where I'm at today and what the future holds for us - as time marches on, bills start to mount up and job prospect "dry up" (hopefully only for this Christmas period) - now comes the true test of faith.

"Faith is just a decision that we make to trust God and not worry. It's a small thing in our hands, but when we hold the key of faith, God can open many doors"

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