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" My best for the Highest "

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Heavenly Anthems.

Romans 15:6 (The Message).
Then we’ll be a choir—not our voices only, but our very lives singing in harmony in a stunning anthem to the God and Father of our Master Jesus!

Today (at The Salvation Army Preston) we sang an old song to a new, contemporary tune.  I found myself scrambling for a pen to jot down some thoughts that hit me right between my eyes.

SASB 156 v.1
Crown him with many crowns,
The Lamb upon his throne;
Hark! how the heavenly anthem drowns
All music but its own;
Awake, my soul, and sing
Of him who died for thee
And hail him as thy matchless King
Through all eternity.

I wondered if I (we) was so wrapped up in my own "music" that I drown out the heavenly anthems ?  Or as the song suggests, after giving him the glory and the crown, is it His "music" that can be heard in my everyday life.

Awake my soul and sing!  I needed to hear this today.  How often do we get so caught up in the everyday "stuff" that we walk around in the daze of life and forget there are others around that need us to be fully awake and coherent to what God is wanting us to do?   It's then we can be made useful - not feeling useless!

My prayer for today:
Renew my will from day to day;
Blend it with thine, and take away
All that now makes it hard to say:
Thy will be done.

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