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" My best for the Highest "

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Being Useful

Thought for today:

Our heavenly Father knows our circumstances, and if we will stay focused on Him, instead of our circumstances, we will grow spiritually. If you want to be of use to God, maintain the proper relationship with Jesus Christ by staying focused on Him and He will make use of you every minute you live.

I have to ask: To be useful for God - every minute - is that even possible ?

Sometimes I think I get stuck in my routine - doing "service". It all looks good, but am I being useful ?

What am I doing instead of being useful ? Where is my time taken up - job, family, doing "church", watching TV.....?

How do I maintain a proper relationship with God ? It's very difficult these days to stay focused with so many distractions surrounding the "every day" life we lead. I have increased my reading, listening, praying, caring and focus on the needs of others, but there will need to be more commitment on my behalf - I know that for a fact !

My prayer:

Christ of Glory, Prince of Peace,
Let thy life in mine increase;
Though I live may it be shown
'Tis thy life and not my own.
Dwell within, that men may see
Christ, the living Christ, in me.

Answer now my soul's desire,
Purge my heart with holy fire,
Soothe the hurt with gentle balm,
Breathe within my life thy charm,
Fill me now, so shall there be
Christ, the holy Christ, in me.

Gracious Lord, thy grace apply,
Both to save and sanctify;
All my life wilt thou control,
Calmly ordering the whole,
That the world may ever see
Christ, and only Christ, in me.

SASB 479

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post Paul, and nice song too. And thanks for the help today
