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Thursday, July 29, 2010

He's Ever Over Me.

Psalm 121 (NLT).

1 I look up to the mountains—does my help come from there?
2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!
3 He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.
5 The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.
7 The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life.
8 The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.

During our time in Townsville (FNQ) we were introduced to a Worship Chorus that held great meaning for us whilst we we in the "tropics" and far from home.

The weather, the location, the family being miles away and no idea what we where getting ourselves into - all made for some interesting times.

I will lift my eyes to the hill and their Creator,
Who made all heaven and earth.
For he watches me, will not sleep, no never slumber,
He's ever over me.

As I come and I go, I am safe for I know,
That his care is sufficient for me.
Winter warmth and light, and a shady place in summer,
He's ever over me.

What an awesome thought - God is watching over us all the time.
Whether we want it or not!
Whether we believe it or not!

Today at the THQ Prayer Meeting, we reflected on the words of the Psalm, and immediately I was reminded about our time in FNQ and the journey we took in that place.

God was watching over us there. He was watching us in Tasmania, and I know He is watching over us in Melbourne.

Thank you God for I know you are with me always. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Work Choices.

Mark 8:34-35.
Calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self.

These verses hit home once again that God is in control - or is He ??

You have to make a choice!  If you want God to lead - let Him have the drivers seat - the control.

How easy is it to say yes Lord - you're in control of my life, but then slip back into our old ways and take the wheel and try and do things on our own.

I was reminded by a song sung by Carrie Underwood (of American Idol fame) which speaks of this fact.

She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati
On a snow white Christmas Eve
Going home to see her Mama and her Daddy
With the baby in the backseat
Fifty miles to go and she was running low
On faith and gasoline
It'd been a long hard year
She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention
She was going way too fast
Before she knew it she was spinning
On a thin black sheet of glass
She saw both their lives flash before her eyes
She didn't even have time to cry
She was so scared
She threw her hands up in the air

Jesus, take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on
Jesus, take the wheel

It was still getting colder when she made it to the shoulder
And the car came to a stop
She cried when she saw that baby in the backseat
Sleeping like a rock
And for the first time in a long time
She bowed her head to pray
She said I'm sorry for the way
I've been living my life
I know I've got to change
So from now on tonight

Jesus, take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on
Oh Jesus, take the wheel
Oh, I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
Save me from this road I'm on
From this road I'm on
Jesus, take the wheel

Maybe it takes some major "incident" for us to realise that we must give up our control and let God have it.
Maybe it's not - maybe it's in everyday circumstances that start to put the emphasis on letting go and letting God.  I know both situations where the case for me.
Verse 2 of Song 680, reminds us again, that it maybe His calling to give up the "ordinary" to take on the "extraordinary".
SASB 680
1.  By the peaceful shores of Galilee,
Mending there nets by the silvery sea,
The fishermen toiled at their tasks each day,
Till the Master walketh along that way.

Follow thou me He calls again,
And I will make you fishers of men.
As in the days of Galilee,
Jesus is calling you and me.

2.  And they left their nets when they heard his voice,
Making the Master's call their choice;
And they toiled with him for the world astray,
To bring men back to the Father's way.
3.  And the self-same voice is heard today,
Calling to men in the self-same way
As the fishermen heard by Galilee;
Leave now your nets and follow me.
Sidney Edward Cox (1887-1975).

Lord, thank you for you still small voice that calls us to let you lead.  Forgive us as we often take over the wheel on occasions.  Lord, I pray for your assurance, your peace, your strength as we consider your call in our lives.  Amen.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Helping the Helpless.

Philippians 2 (The Message).
2  Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. 3  Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. 4  Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand. 5  Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself.

As I was reading these verses, I was reminded by a simple chorus that reads;

Lord make me like you,
Please make me like you.
You are a servant, make me one too.
O Lord I am willing,
Do what you must do,
To make me like you Lord,
Please make me like you.

Again the passage highlights - helping the helpless - helping others get ahead - forgetting yourself long enough to assist others first.  Getting down of one's "high horse" to become a servant like Jesus.

Again - not an easy thing to do sometimes, but a further reminder that there is more to life than ME!

A further prayer for this week and for the weeks to come as I commence some work in the community (not physically "helping" but in a capacity for The Salvation Army to continue it's commitment to helping others) is found in Song 623.

O to be like thee! blessed Redeemer,
This is my constant longing and prayer.
Gladly I'll forfeit all of earth's treasures,
Jesus, thy perfect likeness to wear.

O to be like thee!  O to be like thee,
Blessed redeemer, pure as thou art!
Come in thy sweetness, come in thy fullness;
Stamp thine own image deep on my heart.

O to be like thee!  full of compassion,
Loving, forgiving, tender and kind,
Helping the helpless cheer the fainting,
Seeking the wandering sinner to find.

O to be like thee!  lowly in spirit,
Holy and harmless, patient and brave;
Meekly enduring cruel reproaches,
Willing to suffer, others to save.

O to be like thee!  while I am pleading,
Pour out thy Spirit, fill with thy love;
Make me a temple meet for thy dwelling,
Fill me for life and Heaven above.
Thomas Chisholm (1866-1960)

My prayers go out to the people who's days are filled with assisting others (these are just a few in our local congregation) - Pray for others too.;

Major Daryl - Haiti
Major Sandy - Corps Officer
Captain Christine - Corps Officer
Captain Ken - Plan Giving
Captain Jason - Social Programs
Captain Michelle - Courts
Major Janette - Prisons
Sandy - Doorways
Libby - Bushfire Recovery
Rod - Wills and Bequests
Jeremiah - Mentoring/Refugees.

(I hope I didn't forget anyone)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Help is on the way.

James 1:5 (Message).
If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it.

I found this verse a few weeks ago whilst looking through the book of James.  I highlighted it for this weekend as Monday brings a new era of employment, and hopefully a new era of "service" for God.

I laughed as I read the first part of this verse as I thought of the upcoming weeks.  My background is in Logistics and has been for over 18 years.  The new role is Public Relations with a focus on Wills and Bequests.  Strange move you may say, but it has been an interesting journey over the past 8 months to get to this point in my "career".

If you have been following this Blog, you would be aware of my questioning and my "leaning" towards playing a part in The Salvation Army's work - in some capacity.

I am certain this is the right path in my journey and have spent many times asking for HELP.  I am glad God loves to help when we ask and I am happy that he is not condescending when I ask.

Verse 2 of song 519 reads:

Help me the slow of heart to move
By some clear, winning word of love;
Teach me the wayward feet to stay,
And guide them in the homeward way.

I have prayed this for myself - as well as for others;
Help MY slow heart to move.
Teach me MY wayward feet to stay - and guide ME in the homeward way.

The song is found in the Consecration and Service section in the Song Book and is my prayer for today.

O Master, let me walk with thee
In lowly paths of service free;
Tell me thy secret; help me bear
The strain of toil, the fret of care.

Help me the slow of heart to move
By some clear, winning word of love;
Teach me the wayward feet to stay,
And guide them in the homeward way.

Teach me thy patience; still with thee
In closer, dearer company,
In work that keeps faith sweet and strong,
In trust that triumphs over wrong;

In hope that sends a shining ray
Far down the future's broadening way,
In peace that only thou canst give,
For thee, O Master, let me live.
Washington Gladden (1836-1918)

Thank you God for listening to my problems.  I am grateful for your patience and guidance.  As you are constantly helping me in my journey, help me to be able to help others in theirs too.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Powerful and Effective.

James 5:16b (The Message).
The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.

James 5:16b (NIV).
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

I have this verse highlighted in my "old" Bible and have often wondered what it would be like to be living "right" with God so that my prayers would be powerful.

Does trying to be good count?

Knowing what's right and not doing it is often the norm, sometimes just a little "off" doing what's right.

We (Salvo's) have a whole section in our Song Book dedicated to prayer and, as I have wondered if I was living my life "right", and were the words I pray meaningful, I remembered the words of Song 588.

I often say my prayers;
But do I ever pray?
And do he wishes of my heart
Go with the words I say?

I may as well kneel down
And worship gods of stone,
As offer to the living God
A prayer of words alone.

For words without the heart
The Lord will never hear;
Nor will he those lips attend
Whose prayers are not sincere.

Lord, show me what I need,
And teach me how to pray;
Nor let me ask thee for thy grace,
Not feeling what I say.
(John Burton. jun 1803-77)

Another favourite Chorus is:

I want to live right,
That God may use me,
At any time, at anywhere;
I want to live right,
That God may use me,
At any time, at anywhere.

I think this week is about adding these two songs to my daily prayer time.

As I head into a new adventure next week, the words - "I want to live right that God may use me", has more meaning for me.  To be able to live "right", will ensure my prayers will be powerful and effective, not just words with no meaning from someone who is not in the right place with God.

Help me Lord to be a person committed to living by your commands and to be a person with powerful and effective prayer.

Monday, July 19, 2010


James 3:13 & 17.
13  Do you want to be counted wise, to build a reputation for wisdom? Here’s what you do: Live well, live wisely, live humbly. It’s the way you live, not the way you talk, that counts.

17  Real wisdom, God’s wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced.

I was reminded by the words made famous by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli - And help us to be wise, in times when we don't know.

Sometimes it's easy to think we know best; When we talk, everyone should listen!

I have often wondered if I am "in tune" with what God is trying to say, and is the way I live, seen to be "wise" by others around me.

One of my favourite choruses reads;

If on my soul a trace of sin remaineth,
If on my hands a strain may yet be seen.
If one dark thought a wearied mind retaineth,
O wash me Lord, till every part be clean.
For I would live that men may see thyself in me.
I would in faith ascend thy holy hill.
And with my thoughts in tune with thy divinity,
Would learn how best to do thy holy will.

In trying to ascertain what God is saying to me this year, I have spent a lot of time reading, Blogging and meditating on Gods' word through the scriptures and well as songs inspired by God himself.  I have found great inspiration through these mediums and will continue to make this a part of my daily routine as life's journey heads in a new direction next week.

Discipline is the key to being a Disciple!

Having said that - I still wonder if I am any the wiser in the way I should live.

By committing to reading, praying and listening to God on a regular basis, many short-comings in the way I live have hit me fair between the eyes, but, I have had some awesome 'revelations" too.

Let this be my/your/our prayer;

I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go,
And help us to be wise, in times when we don't know.
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way.
Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe.

I pray we'll find your light, and hold it in our hearts.
When stars go out each night.
Let this be our prayer, when shadows fill our day.
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace.
Give us faith so we'll be safe.

We ask that life be kind, and watch us from above.
We hope each soul will find, another soul to love.
Let this be our prayer, just like every child.
Needs to find a place, guide us with your grace.
Give us faith so we'll be safe.

Thank you God for your awesome revelations in my daily meditation.  Help me to be wise - Help me to live a holy life.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Someone Cares.

How Great Is Our God  *sing with me*

I found another song that speaks on Psalm 139 (as previously Blogged), but this time the words of the chorus are AMAZING!

You have searched me lord, you know my thoughts today.
You are familiar with my actions and my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue, you know what I will say before I have begun,
You know what I will think or say.

I can't escape, you're everywhere.
You're knowledge of me is so deep and yet you care.
Examine me,
Lord keep me true, so close to you,
Lord lead me in the way everlasting.

You created me, my inmost being Lord.
O how I praise you for your works so wonderful.
You saw the days ordained for me,
My future in your hands.
It's hard to comprehend how precious are your thoughts to me.

I can't escape, - you're everywhere.
You're knowledge of me is so deep and yet you care.
Examine me,
Lord keep me true, so close to you,
Lord lead me in the way everlasting.
(Skye Parkinson)

I just cannot get past the words;

You're knowledge of me is so deep - and yet you care.

God is awesome - He sees our flaws and imperfections, our "stuff ups" and our mistakes - and yet He still cares!

This is too good to keep to oneself - It needs to be shared.

Thank you God!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The "Others".

Following on from my previous Blogs, and continuing reading the book of James, I found familiar verses which I have heard before (haven't we all) but - again - has put a new spin on things for me.

James 2 - Selected verses (The Message)
14 Dear friends, do you think you’ll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it?15 For instance, you come upon an old friend dressed in rags and half-starved16 and say, “Good morning, friend! Be clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!” and walk off without providing so much as a coat or a cup of soup—where does that get you?17 Isn’t it obvious that God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense?

20 Use your heads! Do you suppose for a minute that you can cut faith and works in two and not end up with a corpse on your hands?

21 Wasn’t our ancestor Abraham “made right with God by works” when he placed his son Isaac on the sacrificial altar?22 Isn’t it obvious that faith and works are yoked partners, that faith expresses itself in works? That the works are “works of faith”?23 The full meaning of “believe” in the Scripture sentence, “Abraham believed God and was set right with God,” includes his action. It’s that mesh of believing and acting that got Abraham named “God’s friend.”24 Is it not evident that a person is made right with God not by a barren faith but by faith fruitful in works?

26 The very moment you separate body and spirit, you end up with a corpse. Separate faith and works and you get the same thing: a corpse.

Thinking on what we do to "assist" my neighbour, I confess is very little I'm afraid.
Sure I "act" good;  I talk "good";  My deeds are "good";  I look "good" (?)

I wonder what would happen if I was put into a situation where by someone was in desperate need of my help - It's not good enough to say - "Hold on there friend, God is with us" but do nothing to assist in his/her immediate need.

I am thankful that I am a part of a greater organisation that is pretty good at helping others - Our Social Centres and Churches assist 100's of people each day.

I can't wait to get my hands "dirty" for this organisation and for God!

A favorite song in The Salvation Army's Song Book talks about others needs, my obligations, service - doing something (deeds) - and where the glory belongs.

SASB 518
O Lord, whose human hands were quick
To feed the hungry, heal the sick,
Who love by loving deed expressed,
Help me to comfort the distressed.

What is divine about my creed
If I am blind to human need?
For you have said they serve you best
Who serve the helpless and oppressed.

Lord may your love translucent shine
Through every loving deed of mine,
That men may see the works I do
And give the glory all to you.
(Malcolm Bale)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

J O Y, J O Y

Who remembers the Sunday School Chorus?

J O Y, J O Y, surely this must be;
Jesus first, Yourself last, and Others in between.

I have continued to read through the book of James (as I have found some great lessons that continually help me on my journey) and found this verse:

James 1:27 (The Message).
Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.

At The Salvation Army in Preston, we have be privileged to be a part of the STAMP program run by the Social Program department.  It has highlighted (to me anyway) that we, as Christian Salvationists, should be looking more outside our little world, and look at the plight of others as they struggle in the things of life that we take for granted.

War is raging in this city, lives are breaking hear their cry.
The addicted, poor and broken, lonely, widowed, orphaned child.
Who will live untainted by this world?
Who will die for the gospel of our King?
Who will hear the weeping of our Lord?

He calls;
Who will be my hands my feet, to the lost, the last, the least?
Who will stand?
Who will go?
Who will burn and show my light? Who will break the chains and fight?
Who will stand?
Who will go?
Let justice roll.

There's a river that is flowing, full of justice, mercy and grace.
From the Father to the nations, every colour, every race.
Will you live untainted by this world?
Will you die for the gospel of our King?
Will you hear the weeping of our Lord?

He calls;
Will you be my hands my feet, to the lost, the last, the least?
Will you stand?
Will you go?
Will you burn and show my light? Will you break the chains and fight?
Will you stand?
Will you go?
Let justice roll.
(Nathan Rowe)

Another reading that has continually been "drummed home" in my devotions this year is;

Micah 6:8 (The Message).
But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbour, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don’t take yourself too seriously— take God seriously.

I will be moving from my current position with the Bush Fire Recovery Centre at Whittlesea in a couple of weeks, and heading into a new role with the Public Relations Department in The Salvation Army.  Although this is primarily a fund raising role, I pray that through my words, actions and life "in general", others will reap the benefits of the my work/service - through the monetary contributions donated to The Salvation Army.

Whilst this is not directly working "hands on" with my neighbour, and not a Social Program role as such, the work of The Salvation Army requires funds to continue it's good work throughout the world - I pray that my service for God in this small way, contributes to people being safe, fed, housed, employed, empowered and ultimately - saved!

SASB 488
How can I better serve thee Lord,
Thou who hast done so much for me?
Faltering and weak my labour has been;
O that my life may tell for thee!

Here at the cross in this sacred hour,
Here at the source of reviving power,
Helpless indeed, I come with my need;
Lord, for thy service, fit me I plead.

Dull are my ears to hear thy voice,
Slow are my hands to work for thee,
Loath are my feet to conquer the steeps
That lead me to my Calvary.

Strength for my weakness, Lord, impart;
Sight for my blindness give to me;
Faith for my doubtings, Lord, I would crave,
That I may serve the worthily.
Bramwell Coles (1887-1960)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Search Me !

One of my favourite readings in the Bible is Psalm 139. I have often prayed verse 23 and 24 earnestly as I know there have been times that the word "wicked" has raised it's ugly head in my life and dealings with people - both in the "outside" world and the "church" world too.

I love the simple chorus with the Maori melody:

Search me, O God,
And know my heart today;
Try me, O Savior,
Know my thoughts, I pray.
See if there be,
Some wicked way in me;
Cleanse me from every sin
And set me free.

A more contemporary vocal version has been arranged within The Salvation Army - Same theme, different setting.

Search and know my heart,
Test and know my anxious thoughts.
Send your Holy Spirit to work through me.
Search and know my heart,
Test and know my anxious thoughts.
Work your Holy Spirit through me.

O Lord, you have searched me,
You know me completely.
Come into my life,
Cleanse me from within.

Where can I hide from your spirit,
Where can I flee from your love,
Can I hide in the deepest ocean,
Or flee to the heavens above.

O Lord you are always there,
You know me completely.
Come into my life,
Cleanse me from within.

Search and know my heart,
Test and know my anxious thoughts.
Send your Holy Spirit to work through me.
Search and know my heart,
Test and know my anxious thoughts.
Work your Holy Spirit through me.
Work your Holy Spirit through me.

A new version written by Nathan Rowe - "I'm in Your Hands" also puts a new spin on the theme:

Father you know me,
You know my deepest thoughts all my fears,
You see right through me,
I'm naked before You, Holy One.

Father You love me.
Woven together by Your Word,
Your love surrounds me
And can't escape Lord from Your love.

Father you're always with me
And You know where I am going.
I know Lord that I'm in your hands,
You see what I am thinking.

And You hear all that I'm saying,
I know Lord that I'm in your hands.

Search me and know my heart,
Test me and know my thoughts,
And lead me into the everlasting.

How awesome is our God - Even after I pray this prayer and confess the bad things in my life - He still loves me !

Psalm 139:23-24.
Search me, God, and know my heart. Try me, and know my thoughts. See if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way.

Monday, July 5, 2010

My Expectations vs. Trust In God

How often do my frustrations come to the fore when the lack of planning and/or preparation seem to make things "go astray".  To say yesterday's church service went to plan is probably an understatement - Many things went off without a hitch - very good - but some things just didn't work.

Where do I start ?  Planning - Preparation - Communication.?

How easy it is to think (or say) that things didn't go to plan - who are we to question why ?  Are we so in tune with God that we know everything ?  Perhaps it was meant to go like that ?

I was reminded this morning of two verses from Proverbs.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (The Message)
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.

I have always been a planner - I love a clean whiteboard and love to project manage things from the initial concept stage to it's completion.  I pride myself in getting the job done and, if for any reason, things don't go to plan, it might be back to the drawing board, but I love the challenge to get things completed.

I also like to be prepared - sometimes weeks in advance if necessary, especially when preparing for worship - Sunday's can be frustrating at times, people wanting more of your time than you have, issues arising that are out of your control, people unavailable to assist due to illness or forgetting to tell you they are away (and the list goes on). To be unprepared doesn't help my frame of mind heading into a worship service.  We try to have some quiet time before the service, but this seems to be rushed too.

This morning I was reminded of a simple song about trusting that God knows best and even if our ideas and preparations didn't quite go plan - God is still in control

1. 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
And to take him at his word;
Just to rest upon his promise,
And to know, "Thus saith the Lord."

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him!
How I've proved him o'er and o'er!
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
O for grace to trust him more!

2. O how sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to trust his cleansing blood;
And in simple faith to plunge me
Neath the healing, cleansing flood!

3. Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just from sin and self to cease;
Just from Jesus simply taking
Life and rest, and joy and peace.

4. I'm so glad I learned to trust thee,
Precious Jesus, Savior, friend;
And I know that thou art with me,
Wilt be with me to the end.

Prayer for today:
O for grace to trust him more

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Faith Under Pressure

James 1:2-4 (The Message)
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors.  So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
Digging deep into the music archive of The Salvation Army - Who remembers this little "ditty" arranged for Male Voices by Maj. Howard Davies:
Life is sometimes hard to bear
With problems most distressing
Ev'ry day a day of care
With heavy burdens pressing
Needing strength to battle on
Yet you find it fled and gone
Don't despair! - Hold on there!
We have news for you.
Does the Tempter's pow'r attack ?
And does he test you sorely?
Does resistance strain and crack
Until you feel quite poorly?
Satan shoots his fiery darts
Seems he know our weakest parts!
Don't despair! - Breathe a prayer!
God will care for you.
Still will come the gloomy day
When all seems drab and dreary
Loneliness may come your way
Or illness make you weary
Don't surrender or give in
Take life squarely on the chin
Don't despair! - God is there!
He will bring you through.
When It seems you're under attack from all sides
Don't surrender or die
Though the clouds look terribly black
Your sky will clear up, cheer up, keep your faith high
Though the world should crumble and fall around you
Just remember it's true
God's still the one who's promised to care for,
He know the why as well as the wherefore,
God's still the one who's promised to care for you.
(do be do be do be do - do wah)

The arrangement is Jazzy and Light - sometimes life isn't!
It has certainly been the case for me and my family over the past several months - that our faith has been tested - I pray that it has at least taught me to become more mature and "well developed" in my faith and in the love for God and others that I come accross each day.
Thank God, he is always there, through good times and bad.  When life's "pressures" get us down - Get up close and personal with God - He will get you through.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Broken Bread

The Preston Salvation Army Band (Preston Brass) had the privilege to spend a weekend in Colac (Western Victoria).  We have a great repertoire and we (Salvation Army Bands world wide) are blessed with great composers and awesome music to be used to bless others.

I, too, am continually blessed by the music within the Salvation Army and as we play, and sometimes when I lead the group, I often have tears in my eyes when reflecting on the words as we play the music to our local congregation.

A great piece of music that we played recently was an arrangement by Kenneth Downie of the Hymn Tune "Spohr".  Whilst the music is challenging to play - again the message to me was clear.

I also read the following quote in my devotions that uses the same theme of the song:

We are here to submit to His will so that He may work though us what He wants. Once we realize this, He will make us broken bread and poured-out wine with which to feed and nourish others.

I remember too, this was a favourite melody of our Bandmaster in Launceston when I was growing up learning what it meant to be part of a musical section of The Salvation Army.  I don't think I got it back then, but as my journey continues, I pray that "other souls, refreshed and fed, may share his life through mine"

SASB 512

My life must be Christ broken bread
My love his out poured wine,
A cup o'erfilled, a table spread
Beneath his name and sign,
That other souls refreshed and fed,
May share his life through mine

My all is in the Masters hands
For him to bless and break
Beyond the brook his wine press stands
An thence my way I take
Resolved the whole of love's demands
To give, for his dear sake.

Lord, let me share that grace of thine
Wherewith thou didst sustain
The burden of the fruitful vine,
The gift of buried grain.
Who dies with thee, O Word divine,
Shall rise and live again.
Albert Osborn (1886-1967)